About us
What is Healthwatch?
Healthwatch Derby is a local, independent, statutory body. We have the power to ensure that local health and social care providers are listening to feedback and experiences from the public in order to improve their services and standards of care. Healthwatch Derby is part of a network of over 150 Healthwatch branches all across the UK, and also report key themes and outcomes to Healthwatch England in order to effect changes within national service provision.
What we do
We engage with the local population to gain information around experiences with health and social care services in Derby City, and we use this feedback to identify themes and trends around what is working well and what could be improved in the local area, and to ensure that our service providers are meeting the needs of the patients using them. Whether you have a story, concern or compliment we will pass these on and we are here to listen to your story. Your feedback really makes a difference and shapes the future of what is available to you and other patients living near you. We engage with the local community by regularly updating our social media channels, using online polls and surveys, and attending outreaches and events in-person to speak to people about their experiences. If you would like to speak to our engagement team please do get in touch! We also offer advice and signpost individuals to services that can help them in other ways, such as if you would like to complain about a service, get involved in attending local support groups to suit your needs, or accessing a health and social care provision near to you.
How we work
Our strategy is shaped by the trends and themes of what the public are telling us about local health and social care services. Our annual impact assessment and equality reports feed into the engagement and communication strategy within which we attend outreaches at local health and social care providers and community groups, we host online polls and surveys, and run projects based on the information we have gained from speaking to the public. We have engagement framework and quality assurance systems in place to ensure that the work we do is relevant and useful to the local population and service providers, and that we are speaking to all reaches of the community fairly, equally and without bias.
How we are set up
We are commissioned and accountable to Derby City Council and work to KPI’s to ensure that we are providing a valuable and beneficial service to our local population. We are a Private Limited Company by guarantee and have a Board of Directors made up of local people with various knowledge and expertise to drive forward our vision to champion the people’s voice in Derby City. Our company number is 08233546.